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New forums!


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Hello everyone,

Thanks to your continued support through donations, we have been able to upgrade our forum software!

On top of increased ~ Aesthetics~ , this change will allow us to have a much tighter integration between the server and the forums. Here is the following non-dated road map:

  1. Add a server status sidebar like we had on the old forums
  2. Add server high-scores (Most kills, highest killstreak, most time played, etc)
  3. Automatic donation rank synchronization between server and forums
  4. Automatic member status synchronization between forums and servers


If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please use the "Contact us" button at the bottom of the site.

Please note that the original forums are still available in a read-only state over at https://forumarchive.csiservers.com/

As well as the previous forum that was in use since the re-release: https://old.csiservers.com/


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