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Everything posted by George

  1. George


    As of now I'm afraid @Varmeis the only person who has evidence of you cheating. We do not ban without evidence, so a response will come soon enough.
  2. George

    voLt's Vet App

    +1 The majority of my interactions with Volt have been friendly, and he is active in-game and on the discord. My only issue is that he roof camps a lot, but hey, we all have flaws.
  3. In the limited time I've seen Bluffing be active again, he has already set himself out as a friendly guy, he even donated 6 VIPs to give out to people. +1
  4. +1 palp is pretty active and has been overall friendly to my knowledge.
  5. The issue (which wasn't as bad as you're painting it) was fixed months ago. Even then you could've stayed active within the community on discord but you made no attempt to do so.
  6. This is actually such a ridiculous complaint to put on a membership application. I honestly assumed it was satirical at first. A players activity and dedication to CSi isn't defined by how they play on the server, whether they enjoy going out and shooting people or chilling in sz, they are free to do as they please and still represent the community.
  7. +1 only had pleasant interactions with the guy and as far as I'm aware that's the same for many others. He's also active.
  8. +1 BoBo has been around a good while and is fairly active. Not had that many experiences with the guy but the times I have interacted with him he has been friendly.
  9. This was his first altercation. Due to not being on at the time myself I could not warn him or silence him as I would do with other players, with that said I felt a day ban was enough to let him know what he said wasn't alright and if he continued on afterwards myself or another administrator would give him further punishments.
  10. +1 only had positive experiences with the guy and he's fairly active.
  11. Elite is active and from my experiences a friendly guy. My only issue is that he sits in world corp one time too many, so maybe work on that. +1
  12. Thank you for reporting this person. I'll be giving him a 1 day ban for the use of racial slurs. As for the "very sus" there's not much we can do until we gather the evidence ourselves, but with that said myself or another admin will take a look if we are available to do so.
  13. It has been a good while since this ban was instated although after reviewing my evidence again I don't personally find it to be sufficient enough. Although I do still believe you to have been hacking, I will be unbanning you. With that said I hope to see you back on the server playing fairly and taking this as a second chance.
  14. Dead thread thought I'd revive. (All of mine are from wallpaper engine) And of course my favourite 58d4fc54812070f9cee4348864970b08.mp4
  15. Apology Accepted, Appeal Denied without a chance of ever being unbanned 🙂
  16. Going to go ahead and lock this thread with this final piece of evidence. nice evasion lol
  17. You're a toxic person, here's some examples: along with a pleasant video to go with it. No clue what it is with you and inbreds tbh. Dw that was just a place holder. I actually did goto your location and shoot you just before banning you. Since after some consideration and compiling all the toxic shit you said, I'm going to go ahead and give you a 1 month ban.
  18. Plenty of them are going around, the prices are completely determined by how much people are willing to pay for them. The whole point is for them to be rare compared to your common bullet.
  19. Liar +1 I kinda fell in love with butter idk
  20. Whilst I have only noticed Jerbear being back and active in the community these last couple days, he has shown dedication to the community in the past and clearly intends to carry on doing so. He is a friendly guy and even though he plays the game like an absolute coward scrolling back to sz every 5 minutes, he's always fun to encounter. +1
  21. Seems he already got banned by console, but for future reference if you don't have any evidence just message one of us through the discord with his STEAMID if you have it and we'll keep an eye out for him. In most cases evidence from the victims perspective isn't very useful since we can't see what the accused is doing, so we'd probably still need to check them out ingame afterwards. Either way thanks for reporting him, whether or not this was the deciding factor as to why he got banned since I can't be bothered checking timezones to see if this was posted before or after, I'm just going to say request accepted.
  22. And I find administrating on this "dumbass server" fun as fuck since I can catch and ban hackers like you then get further enjoyment when you make a dumb founded staff report on me. If you even knew me slightly in regards to how I regularly act in the server you wiuld know I'm actually quite friendly, although I see very little point in speaking to hackers like you in a respectable manner, who even after breaking our rules and clearly showing no intent of being honest, still hold themselves to such a high esteem. Quite frankly the majority of my responses to you are just bait because I think you're a literal moron, the way you filled in this report shows that. At the end of the day, you hacked, you got big upset because I baited you. Guess this is my last post on this. Love you Nefarious xoxo
  23. You literally hacked on a gmod server you sad fuck lmao these other admins are clearly fictional because I haven't been personally addressed for my "actions" once you actual deformed mongrel, stop reaching for straws to try and get me spanked because your small brain decided to hack and thought you'd get away with it. It's the internet, if you really think getting shit talked in private DMS is this serious then quite honestly go outside, I can only imagine the fucking stench that comes of you.
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