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Many people have come and gone, things have undoubtedly changed since the day I first turned the server on without any expectations, went to take a shower and came back to a full server without having done any advertising. My life would be so much different had it not been for all the amazing people I've met over the years. To those who are still around: I love you.Β 

Emotional shit aside, I'm proud to **finally** announce the arrival of GMODZ's European server! The EU server is currently hosting SouthSide while the US server remains on Chern for the time being. The weekly map rotation will become active near the end of January. Please note that everything except your current backpack synchronizes between the maps! This means that you can transfer items between the two servers by putting them in your bank.

I am currently in Canada until January 9 and will be starting a full-time coding bootcamp starting Jan. 11th, so my time for the next 2-3 months will be rather scarce (as is often the case as an adult.. I sadly can't play the game 8 hours a day and code for another 8 every day like I used to..) but content will continue to come into the game thanks to the help of our community managers!Β 

You may connect to the GMODZ servers using the following links (don't forget to add the servers to your favourites!):
EU-1 (France): Β steam://connect/fra.csiservers.com/
US-1 (Dallas): steam://connect/gmdz.csiservers.com/

Additionally, there is now a server status indicator bot on our Discord server! Check out the #server-status channel. If you aren't already part of our discord server, click here to join! https://csiservers.com/discordΒ 

Seeing as the new year is right around the corner, one of my new year's resolutions is to increase my interaction within the community, so you can expect me to be more active on discord and the forums as well as potentially in-game as well!

Here's to many more yearsΒ πŸ₯‚

Edited by phoon
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