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Everything posted by George

  1. My view on this has changed after a nights sleep. I'm somewhat ok with Har being unbanned now, assuming he's under heavy supervision on a tight leash. You also make a valid point, you could've just used an ALT to play but instead you've used the correct method of *possibly* being able to play again. I also apologise for some of the things I've said towards you on here, whilst I stand by how I act, I shouldn't have been acting like so on a ban appeal. (Just to be clear these are my own thoughts, I wasn't spoken to by any higher ups)
  2. I'm a good staff member, your issue with me is how I've treated you, which is less my skills as an admin but rather my personality, which is fair and I couldn't care less what most people think of me apart from peatreat. This should be my last comment here now since this is a ban appeal for you, not my staff report.
  3. That's because I don't respect you, you don't deserve any respect the other staff have showed you. The community is called "Can't Stand Idiots", you were too dimwitted to even discreetly be toxic, instead you jumped in head first and are now upset when someone speaks to you in a way you don't like. This is a gmodz community I'm not going to act like we're running a business here.
  4. Yet you are only sorry because the server is active, you never made these apologies a year ago or even showed an ounce of remorse. I also find it funny how you think you can judge how I act towards you after you spent your time calling people the gamer word.
  5. Here's a serious response. I don't believe I have made the staff team bad, and the only players I've "driven away" are ones who had no intention of playing (at least by the rules), such as you and your friends. Now I'm going to give a proper response instead of the one from my phone in bed. Yes, my attitude is pretty bad, but I only direct it towards people who are deserving of it, such as you in this case. In no way shape or form would I direct it towards a player abiding by the rules and getting along with other people, rather than calling them many derogatory slurs. Granted, you haven't done that in this appeal, but you did it plenty in the past with your only excuse being that it wasn't punishable back then, and therefore it's alright. Har Mar is an idiot at heart, he called people everything under the sun just for the fun of it, no other reason. But now that the server has an active player base he wants to play again, he doesn't deserve to do so. People who followed the rules and treat other players well, deserve that privilege to continue playing without hindrance. I'm British, I like making fun of people. I don't make fun of random people though because I'm an Administrator for CSi, and therefore I only target "idiots", people who deserve to be treated as such because they don't follow the rules, especially people like Har who use every slur in his little book simply because it made him giggle. I don't really know what you said, but me calling someone a "illiterate baboon" and an "ape" (referring to their intelligence of course) I imagine isn't comparable to what made you kicked from the community, but I can say for sure in comparison to Har, I am nowhere near his level. I do in fact love banning rule breakers, I won't lie! The guy who said he would demote me in an instance has clearly never been in any management position, not to mention that is a clear bias, since I imagine he has no view on the situation at hand, just what you painted for him, as if it even matters.
  6. Lmao, if I'm to get punished for being rude to a toxic retard like you so be it. Shit I better bucker up Also I said "illiterate baboon", which I suppose applies to this guy adding his unbiased 2 cents It's just my sense of humour, calling idiots what they are instead of treating them like they had a little slip up saying racist and homophobic shit just because they can. You guys need to lose that extra chromosome and go back to whatever nook you clambered out of.
  7. I wasn't going to comment on this since Rolchax had practically said everything that needed to be said, plus I never had any personal interactions with Har, but here I am. Oh, you're willing to play by it now? Shit that really sounds like you've really changed! Literally 2 sentences prior you showed why you're unsympathetic you absolute ape. You think you did nothing wrong since there was nothing to do wrong, you say you've "changed", but you haven't, you're just willing to suppress yourself for the unban. You said you were at fault for "being rude" to someone who "antagonised" you, not for all the other shit you said, since "wasn't even breaking any rules considering there wasn't a rule for what I did", which again, shows how truly sympathetic you are and that you've changed from the man you use to be, to a beacon of light and prosperity! Yeah this ban should remain, I'd even push for some kind community ban on this illiterate baboon.
  8. yikes my guy changing from a +1 to a -1 after spamming racial slurs in vc
  9. It doesn't matter what you believe, the fact is our rules prohibit the kind of slurs you used, plus you seem to be a bit toxic here and there. He wasn't stirring up drama, he was trying to help you avoid a punishment. Singerisacrook will be getting a 2 week ban, as will "Gamergirl" after looking at some previous messages in the logs. Request Closed
  10. He hacked, very honest! That's great that he was nice, he should definitely be unbanned, seeming as you definitely saw his screen and so can assume he hasn't used cheats previously. He isn't fair, he hacked, only admitted to it when was caught out, and even then he took a bit of time after having his tantrum at phoon.. -1, basically what Rol said
  11. I appreciate you thinking I got offended by any of this, I didn't. You broke the rules, I enforced them. You were told multiple times to stop and have been punished the day prior for this due to carrying on unneeded toxicity with another player. Personally I can't stand idiots, and you're just blatant. As for the previous situation, you and your friend followed jake into PMS saying "your mad", after I said not to, not to mention you carried on, it was just fuelling something unneeded. I lowered your ban to 30 minutes since I felt like 2 hours was a bit too much, but I'd go back to my original ban in a heartbeat now I realise your only intentions *were* to start shit.
  12. +1 Friendly and active.
  13. Plenty of people shit talk each other, if it's toxic enough they get punished.. Medinator and the rest of that CSI gang shit talk kitty as well, yet they're members...
  14. That's CSi. Groovus. I was spectating you...
  15. You never killed me, so don't try and suggest "rage" as the reason behind the ban. You hacked and then you tried to evade the ban on an alt account.
  16. Using aim assistance, you snapped to the heads of two people. This can clearly be seen by the unusual snapping.
  17. Aim Assistance (and also ESP clearly).
  18. You've been banned before for hacking. I watched you a handful of times yesterday and then again today. You were quite good at looking at people in the corner of your screen, and not directly aiming onto them, but in these two gifs you did the exact opposite of what you usually did and instead blatantly utilised ESP.
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