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Posts posted by George

  1. 2 minutes ago, ethann said:

    Basically you’re saying that a three second clips is enough to determine someone is cheating? And the fact that I didn’t say that it was a bug ends me up banned? You don’t make any sense man. I’m supposed to explain a clip that happened weeks ago when I first started the server which I barely remember.You also admitted that the same thing happened to you so if I’m banned for so called “aimbot” why aren’t you man? -1

    You very clearly snapped to the guy, why be so dishonest. (-1 ofc)

  2. 1 minute ago, Jaden said:

    Can u go more in depth on what parts of the video you thought were weird or hacks?

    All the kills you got, your aim assist is extremely blatant. Oh, and the snap at the end is snapping off the guy you killed, not onto an entity.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Jaden said:

    I also don’t get how it shows I’m hacking when I’m missing some shots lol. If u want to see my 2300 hours on gmod I can provide that

    Hours doesn't define whether you can or can't toggle aim assist.

  4. 4 hours ago, Pirate [Captain] said:

    However, I can understand why the map hasn’t changed yet due to the setting up of the European server. I believe we shall just have to be patient and the map problem will be solved soon.

    Been patient a good minute, plus the return of chern won't fix the glaring issues with southside, it would only solve that on a bi-weekly basis.

    • Agree 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, huh said:

    Alright, give me some chance to explain.

    1st clip, after my sz spawn i saw two guys are entering to that basement. im pretty sure you spectated even before that.
    also i died right away after that.

    look for chat log if you arent sure about this. iirc i said "fuck off (username)"

    2nd clip, i was already killed by rooftop campers (aka them). same explanation goes on as 1.

    3rd clip, i looked there for backpack, not that "dead" guy.

    4th clip, i heard VERY obvious noisy footsteps.

    i do think 3rd can be sus in your perspective. but on other clips, its just witch hunting without full footage.

    In the first clip you clearly trace onto Lucy, not seeing them for 1 second as you kill them, you then proceed to kill their friend as soon as he crouches over to you with a knife out. In the second clip you know exactly where they are and peak the second guy through the wall before aiming onto him. In the third clip you visibly looked at the guy you had just killed and looted since his player-model appeared as he respawned (not visible to people not using vision assistance). Then finally for the 4th clip you look up at the guy and scroll as he comes to you, that was more of just an extra bit of content to go with all the other clips.

  6. Already spoke to you in discord about this, but I'll repeat myself. We have a system that detects your screen to see if you're using any kind of vision assistance, I used that to see if you two were using such hacks, but you timed out. This has been quite common with a few hackers, who I usually wait to rejoin and then ban after gathering evidence. Although in this case I went directly to @Xavieras can be seen in the screenshot below. You two were screengrabbed specifically due to suspicions from @CSi. Kalderthat you two were using some kind of hacks.


    With that said I'm going to go ahead and deny this appeal.

  7. Seen you on a good amount, from my interactions you seem like a friendly guy, although possibly more community interaction on our discord for example would go a long way in getting support from other community members. +1

  8. As Elite said, we have a specific template for people to use. Although with that said here I'll be posting a single clip of you using ESP, since I lost the majority of the evidence I had and had to go digging for this piece. I'm also going to let another administrator decide what happens here, I understand if it's an unban due to the lack of evidence I have available.

  9. Just now, sh1thawk said:

    i am more confused as to why i got banned now than i was before. In the first clip i had heard a helicopter which was why i was looking i the air i was trying to see where the drop was. Second video i was just looting idk why you thought that was fishy i thought the baseball bat was a gun which was why i checked again, final video idk why the hell this was fishy at all i play at 144fps and have high sensitivity i was just trying to be aware of my surroundings. Thanks for being so quick with a response


    In clips 2/3 and 4 you very clearly snap to people through walls, you also constantly glance at people half way across the map.

    Going to deny this appeal, being honest would've been your best shot at possibly being unbanned in the future.

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