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Unban request for cheating


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Steam Username: Juzzbyz

Steam ID: 76561198406786235

Which server are you banned from?: Gmod-z

How long have you been playing on our server(s): about 30-40 hours

Have you ever been banned before (this includes other servers)? If so, tell us why: never

If you have been banned, how many times?: once, this time

Why do you think you were banned?: I was playing with my friend, who got recently banned and he was actually cheating. So he created new accound and bought Garry's mod. He promised that he won't cheat again, but he did, as well as giving me information of where people is. I didn't knew he was cheating, he didn't told me that he cheated again, only when i was banned he told me the truth. That was pretty long time ago since i joined server

Why should we lift your ban?: I think that's kinda unfair since i never in my life had cheats or other software. I also didn't knew my friend had one's. He told me some information, but i though he just saw players or smth.


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