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Everything posted by Rolchax

  1. Rolchax

    Unban LK-520

    Yikes. Lies are a no-go for me. -1
  2. Glad you enjoy the server! Always a pleasure to meet new players!
  3. Rolchax

    unban request

    Not a glitch. Everyone except for you returned a screen grab.
  4. Youngberry and I would probably be down to join!
  5. Rolchax

    unban request

    First off, the ban did not say aim-bot. It said screengrab evasion. Any program that dodges our system is bannable.
  6. Rolchax


    That's a -1 from me fam
  7. Best wishes! Hope you have an awesome Christmas if we don't get to see you 'til after!
  8. To add onto this, you literally changed your name from Irock1230 to CSGOEmpire.com. We have that in the image I posted.
  9. You tried joining on your account 5 minutes after your initial ban.
  10. It seems as though you are the person that we banned.
  11. I'll check our logs to see if you were playing at the same time as they were.
  12. Are you able to show that you were online while he was?
  13. We banned CSGOEmpire.com on your IP.
  14. We would need to know the names of the players that were on your IP.
  15. All of our bans are IP based.
  16. https://rythmbot.co/ literally a bot dedicated to music that has admin only capabilities and voting systems for songs. doesnt even require a link to the youtube video/soundcloud/spotify.
  17. Rolchax

    unban Null's

    You have an honest appeal. You admitted what you did wrong. +1 from me.
  18. -1 from me. Lied in your appeal. Nice.
  19. CSi was hit with ransomware back in 2017 and put the server on hiatus until about 3 months ago.
  20. Rolchax

    Gmodz Restart

    We can't respawn lost items, and it's a shame to hear about this. If it's a bug inside the game, you should bring it up in the bug report menu in-game so our devs can prevent it from happening in the future! If you want, I can give you a couple of my own items to make up for it.
  21. Your screen for reference
  22. Rolchax


    Involved with the community, and is extremely active. +1 Best of luck!
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