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Posts posted by George

  1. As said in your previous appeal, a discussion had led to the conclusion that you intentionally prevented Josh's attempts to attain screengrabs. Therefore I'll be denying this appeal since you fail to be honest once again. Feel free to re-appeal in 2 weeks should you have a change of heart.


  2. After 1 year, 5 months and 6 days since your server-side permanent ban, I believe you've had more than enough time to grow from your previous tendencies, with that said you did do a less than subtle dig at Josh on that "admin application" back in March, although once again it has been a long time since then so I am inclined to count that as the past.

    For the last few months we've been trying out a new perspective on non-cheating bans and therefore I believe you to be eligible for a possible unban depending on the community/staff reception. With that said there's no telling on how long it could be till you get a definitive answer.

    Any of your old habits like that admin app start popping back up, your forums account will have the restrictions put back on and this appeal denied. 

  3. The original account you were banned on.


    The one you were caught evading on.


    And finally a third account that I've just discovered, and is now banned.


    Since you evaded your original ban twice, your ban will remain. Appeal Denied.

  4. After some consideration, you've been banned a good couple months now, plus we hold a more lenient perspective with non-cheating related bans. Keep in mind we now enforce a new Permanent Mute system which will stop you from interacting whatsoever with other players, should you go back to your old habits, this could be considered as an option.

    Appeal Accepted.

  5. 5 hours ago, Markovka said:

    I played because there was no such ban in the Garis fashion, but right now they added a wak ban as in the cs, and I don't want to lose 1.5k hours, thanks


    Appeal Denied.

  6. VIP does not make you innocent, and you fail to be honest about it. To be clear, any chargeback issued on your behalf will result in you never being unbanned.

    Appeal Denied, feel free to appeal again in 2 weeks time should you have a change of heart.

    Update: Your viability for an unban will be unlikely since you attempted to evade the ban with an alt account.


  7. 8 minutes ago, JuJubert said:

    I don’t see how this is incriminating. Either way I have no recollection of this happening because last time I PERSONALLY played was on the night of November 24. For all I know my little brother could have played on my computer without me knowing while I was at work.

    You are held accountable for anything done on your account and I can assure you, this evidence is very incriminating. Your ban will remain, and since you fail to be honest, I'm not too for you being able to appeal in the future, but should you have a change of heart feel free to try again in 2 weeks.

    Appeal Denied.

  8. 4 hours ago, FemboyKiwi said:

    Also you're site dosent comply with the right to be forgotten act, you'll have to comply or likley face charges 

    Incorrect, as this is American, and American courts do not recognize the right to be forgotten act, there will be no need to comply.

    With that said this appeal is denied, and since you clearly threatened to evade, you won't be eligible for any future appeals.

  9. Just now, negev man said:

    Can you check to see the logs if i actually did anything? because then i would hardly consider that ban evasion. 

    Ban Evasion is simply evading a ban with an alternate account, which you did, on two occasions. 

    Although, with that said, generally we avoid giving such a long sentence for what can be seen as ill judgement. So in this case I'll be giving you a "second" chance, reducing all the bans to 1 month in suspension, any attempt to evade further will result in the permanent bans being reinstated and you being ineligible for an appeal.

    Appeal Accepted.

  10. After a lot of consideration, it has been decided that you are to be unbanned with a suspension of 1 month from the original ban date (Expires on 2020-11-19). I have just straight up unbanned the RennieS account, but I expect you to not log into that till the Wongus account is unbanned on the date above otherwise I'll reinstate the ban.

    As for the RennieS account, you connected with Wongus a couple months after the initial ban so we believe you to have served that sentence, but of course we wish for you to serve the month for evasion.

    Your membership has also been stripped and it will take at least a minimum of 3 months before you can be reconsidered, which is a given imo.

    This is your second chance, please don't throw it away. Appeal Accepted.


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  11. Thought I'd add this in as well.

    7 minutes ago, Risky Seal said:

    in all of those clips I had sound queues on the people.
    The snappyness is probably a combination of my bad internet and me playing a lot of CSGO. I play on my mobile data and I lose packets once in a while.

    That's the first time I've heard that excuse. Also no offense, but I watched you for a good 45 minutes and you were lowkey pretty bad for a "csgo global"..

    Oh, and sound queues don't explain blatant snaps.

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