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Posts posted by ms.stohs

  1. 12 hours ago, Xavier said:

    I can confirm without a doubt that your textures did not look like that at the time the ban occurred. This screenshot was taken moments before you were banned

    I know this. I meant the outlines and the sprites of the bushes are the same, and those are really the only ones that matter here. In my earlier screenshot, everything minus the missing ground textures is basically what I saw. I said earlier that my textures work fine on the server but on sp theyre missing. If we can get back on and recreate the scenario I'm sure I can show you what I was seeing on my screen.

  2. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1804368143

    ^^ Here's my screenshots. I cant tell what is happening with my textures, it's hard to get the circumstances perfect. But I made the same thing and I see the outlines extremely clearly on my side. This is basically exactly what I saw when I first started shooting. 

    And the crosshair placement thing, idrk what else to say, thats just how I play the video game. My aim isnt completely perfect so I mightve been stuck to aiming at the inside of the wall when I shouldve been pushing my crosshair to the outside a little bit more. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Dan said:

    It's a -1 one from me. I'm assuming someone reported you earlier than this clip which made Varme spectate and record. The odds of having back to back unbelievable plays like this just doesn't seem right. 

    Well im trying to disprove this one to be unbelievable right now. And around the point this clip happened I was on a killstreak I was bound to get spectated once you start racking up a bunch of kills.

  4. I play on medium graphics and when I load the map up on single player the black lines in the window become see through and transparent. I dont really remember at that exact moment in time what I saw but right now when I load up the game on medium settings, the lines in the window are able to be seen right through. And also when I spawn an npc in roughly the same area as the player I can still see their outline plain as day and thats what I saw in the clip and was shooting at.

  5. I didnt hear that players footsteps I knew that someone was out in the field because I heard his gunshots from killing someone else vv recently, about in the same minute or so. Thats why I was scouting the field I was camping the backpack to see if he would start looting. And the reason I began shooting is because his outline started becoming visible in the fog. Idk if this was an engine bug but he was right on the edge of the fog for me and I definitely saw the outline of a player. The aimlock is hard for me to tell really. When peeking corners I always keep my aim locked right on the corner as its easier for me to aim and it's just crosshair placement I've learned from playing CS. When I was playing I did not know that he died until I moved up towards the field and hid in the bushes and shot the guy who killed him as he looted.

  6. Steam Username: ms. stohs

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53076171

    Link to ban request (if there is one): 

    Which server are you banned from?: GMODZ

    How long have you been playing on our server(s): I just started this week.

    Have you ever been banned before (this includes other servers)? If so, tell us why: Not recently at all. I was vac banned in TF2 about 5-6 years ago but I was literally 12 years old so oop.

    If you have been banned, how many times?: 

    Why do you think you were banned?: Admin said I was wallhacking. 

    Why should we lift your ban?: Im not walling. Footsteps on the server are very loud that's why I always begin crouching when I hear someone nearby. It gets very easy to tell when someone trying to hide because you can hear roughly where their footsteps stop and they should be crouching in that general area. If anyone tried to talk to me before permabanning me I couldve explained myself.

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