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Posts posted by Rolchax

  1. Personally I think you're a bit too edgy in chat and come off as abbrasive to new players. Outside of this I think that you are experienced and I know how active you are in the community, and that you even help people out if given the chance. I'm going to remain neutral and hope that I see more from you.

    • Love 1
  2. See, my biggest concern is that you traced him while staring at the black line in the window and shot directly on his person with no real great reason to shoot since no one was on the bag. Good crosshair placement and attention to detail is viable for the other parts of the clip imo though. Through experience, you just don't spray things like that without good reason or it's a waste of ammo. Literally go and watch yourself in slow-mo at 0:21-0:26 and tell me that this is a legit shot. -1 from me.

  3. You hold a lot of passion for the server when you play, you have a great reputation with everyone you interact with, have great experience as an admin, and to top it all off, you've been active since day 1 (except for that little 3 week stint a month ago). Yee yee cowboy +1.

  4. You have shown yourself to be helpful, active, community oriented, and level-headed in difficult situations. I've seen you grow over the years, and I've seen strides and leaps. You're interested in how administration works and that you want to be a part of something bigger. You have so many characteristics of a good admin as well as great potential. I think you'd do well.

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  5. I can't say that I've had many great interactions with you. Most of our encounters ended in you saying "Fuck you" and complaining in global chat. I also personally spectated you in my free time just to get a feel of how you interact with other players, and I've gotta say I was not impressed with how you acted. You chide other players and often insult them when they kill you, and gloat over people you killed. Overall you're still toxic, and need improvement. We've had to revoke membership from members who couldn't handle things maturely, and I would rather not give the csi tag to someone who could end up on that list. So it's a -1 from me.

    • Agree 1
  6. What Kalder said: we're not going anywhere anytime soon, so you have time to really show us who you are. Play around for a bit more and make some more friends! 


    Edit: this forum account has been inactive since the day after he made the application. (Nov. 28th)

  7. -1 from me, doesn't seem like you were completely honest with alts and multiple vacs. It certainly doesnt help that players have stated they helped you and you still cheated "just until you got enough to play". It just doesnt check out.

  8. 5 hours ago, Teepo said:

    Haha wp wp very good indeed ahhh let's see how many accounts I can get in your server?

    Lmao who tf dedicates time and effort to messing with a gmod server after they get caught cheating and lying? Fuck off and go cheat somewhere else, kid. Your threat is empty and isn't the first one we've gotten either. This thread is done.

  9. It is a recurring issue with you. Looking at your chat history, roughly 75% of ALL your text in game from 42 pages over the past few months have been a nigger, jew, faggot, foreign, lisp, or gook insult directed at other players. we have somewhere between 12-17 reports with your name in them for toxicity or asking for a mute. You even have a quote where you say "I'll keep bullying you dumb nigger" in global chat. 

    You literally don't quit flaming people, even after kicks, mutes, and even bans. You claim you were banned by "an abusive admin" which is directed towards me since I banned you for harassing players and then also telling me I was shit at admin because you couldn't compose and control yourself. You don't know when to stop, and the community is fucking tired of it. It's literally in your ban appeal.


    -1 you deserve permanent.


    4 hours ago, Soma said:

    GiddyTime? More like SJWTime.

    Do not flame other players in your response. You look like a cunt to everyone else :^)

    It also has absolutely nothing to do with the ban appeal, so don't add it :^)

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