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Posts posted by Northgate

  1. 5 hours ago, George said:

    There were initial intentions to make the party size dependant on overall levels of players, to avoid skilled veteran members teaming up in 8 stacks wiping the server. It was decided for the mean time that groups would be limited to 4 people as a way to combat what I said above, at least temporarily.

    Personally I find 4 to be more than enough, but I do understand this perspective.


    Yeah, that's absolutely fair. It's usually just having to tell one friend he can't join the team which kind of sucks, but it's alright. Still would like to see something regarding this at some point, which would be awesome.

  2. Current party size (4) is a tad bit small. When you get some cool people who aren't in your party, but you still team up with them things can get confusing.


    Since there are no rules against teaming, I don't think there should be a cap to the total party size at all. While obviously, forming a party makes things a lot easier (like identifying friend from foe + group chat), having it capped will and has already lead to some players just being excluded from the fun, especially if they die.


    There's two ways to handle this: Either increase cap to a much higher amount (5-9) or add a 'leader' perk, that allows the party leader to invite more members the higher the perk is upgraded.

    A downside to this suggestion is that the enhanced communication allows well coordinated parties to become extremely powerful. Although if someone is able to succesfully lead a well coordinated party, I believe it should be rewarded.



    If this is added, I think it would encourage teamplay further and this could lead to more dedicated players - after all, players who stay together have more fun and are more likely to return to the server to play again.

  3. Title says it all. I think I played here some time ago, maybe around the Chernobyl era. I haven't been playing Gmod in a long time now, but CSI got me hooked for the time being.


    I play a good amount of Arma 3 and got my community there. Other than Arma, I'm excited for Cyberpunk 2077 and the AOE3 remaster. I also am a huge fan of the MOTHER / Earthbound series.


    Overall, I'm happy to be around here friends. Hope to have some cool moments with all of you!

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