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man man

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Posts posted by man man

  1. 4 hours ago, phoon said:

    I am more than aware of the multiple different techniques that can be used to bhop. When going down the stairs you either extremely poorly attempted a half side ways bhop or you just have very bad sync. I also witnessed you on your alternate account bhopping from the safe zone staircase and around the main entrance multiple times in a row without missing any jumps, not that it matters much since I didn’t bother to clip it but it definitely adds some context and something to compare to. Previous to your ban there was also a player named ni who was banned for scripts who might’ve been on at at the time you were on which raised my suspicion having someone bhop around safe zone just after he was banned. I am going to once again state that going down that staircase while standing and very poorly attempting a h

    When I was going down the stairs in apartments I was w only bhopping which is very hard to sync in a building like that ( was not sideways bhopping ) maybe thats what made you thought I looked inexperienced, also every time I bhop down those stairs I crouch I don't know why it looked like I was standing in that I might have just been messing around, but George can vouch and has seen me do it normally many times. If it comes down to it I could literally handcam myself bhopping.

  2. Ok so let me start off by saying that I've been bhopping in source games for about 5 years now, now when you say "you show a lack of understanding when it comes to proper strafing and you tilt your screen half sideways" and "at 40 seconds you completely give up on strafing and just use your mouse and w perfectly timing 4 consecutive jumps while gaining 0 speed" what I'm doing here is called w only strafing I'll link a video for example. I try to use w only strafing when bhopping down apartments so I can see if there is someone walking up the stairs sooner rather than looking straight doing normal strafes, I say try because its very hard to do and you can see in the video I'm messing up a lot. Now for when say you that nothing I'm doing is making sense and I just keep bhopping instead of resetting and launching again, I'm pretty sure I was just messing around/ not paying attention because no one good was on and I didn't really care to gain speed going into that room.    I will also link a couple old videos of mine where you can see I'm obviously not inexperienced in bhopping: 



  3. When appealing your ban, please use the following template and fill out the fields in a way that will give us the most information to discuss your appeal.

    Steam Username: man man / doug 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:505090707 / STEAM_0:1:52379722

    Link to ban request (if there is one): 

    Which server are you banned from?: csi dayz

    How long have you been playing on our server(s): 4 months 

    Have you ever been banned before (this includes other servers)? If so, tell us why: no

    If you have been banned, how many times?: 1 

    Why do you think you were banned?: bhop scripting 

    Why should we lift your ban?: I'm guessing I was banned because I was on a alt hitting a lot of bhops, but I wasn't scripting. Admins have spectated me many times and know I'm legit.

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