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Posts posted by Lordvile2

  1. When appealing your ban, please use the following template and fill out the fields in a way that will give us the most information to discuss your appeal.

    Steam Username:  Makka Pakka

    Steam ID: 


    Link to ban request (if there is one): 

    Which server are you banned from?: Gmod Dayz

    How long have you been playing on our server(s): Over a year

    Have you ever been banned before (this includes other servers)? If so, tell us why: No

    If you have been banned, how many times?: 

    Why do you think you were banned?:  Cheating

    Why should we lift your ban?: Because I have not seen sufficient evidence to the ban. The ban was requested due to a player requesting it but I never seen the evidence. If there was a screencap or sharescreen photo then that what consolidate my ban. I recently did try to ban evade with another account which was wrong in my part but I feel my ban was unwarranted and wanted to play. I know, I am an idiot. 


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